About Square 1

Where do you go when everything you believed is in doubt?

You go back to square one.

In this course, we'll learn how to rebuild our faith, and our relationships after the pain of deconstructing our belief systems.

What should we believe about God, the Bible, the Cross, and the Afterlife?

How do I heal the damaged relationships that have ended along the way?

How do I experience wholeness, hope and confidence in my own life?

What does my faith look like after I've burned my religion down?

If you've ever asked any of these questions, this course is just for you.

I've designed this 90 Day Course to help you recover from toxic Christianity and over a 12 week period, I am committed to working side-by-side with you to help you navigate the deconstruction process and find hope for what's next.

Thank you for joining me at Square One.